Monday, November 26, 2018

Is there such a thing as toxin-free living?

Glad you asked and the answer is YES, to the best of our ability we CAN live toxin free!
Have you ever wondered why cancer is becoming more and more prevalent?
Have you ever thought to take a look at the MSDS information of the different products you use in your home on a daily or weekly basis?
I challenge you to take a look at 3 cabinets in your home and take out any 3 cleaning products, whether it is personal care or household cleaning, and look up the ingredients. Do your due diligence and see if the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) warns of carcinogens.

After you have done that, come back here and come listen to Sarah Harnisch, an author and news anchor, as she teaches you of what she has learned with all her own experiences and  research you may find it beneficial to your health!

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YOUR health matters

Being healthy does not have to be boring. YOU make it fun because you are allowing yourself to live longer for your spouse, children, grandchildren, parents and siblings. Be creative with your life. Try new things. Experience the world around you. Take in the fresh air by going for a walk, or natural nature by taking a hike. Enjoy life!